That’s right, with the assistance of my lender they have polled the whole country have pulled together the 21 most common questions.
Category - Buyer Tips
That’s right, with the assistance of my lender they have polled the whole country have pulled together the 21 most common questions.
Thinking of buying a home?
Myths about Credit Scores and Down Payments needed to buy a home.
If you're looking to buy or sell a home this year, now is a great time!
Homeownership is still a cornerstone of the American Dream!
Rents have been steadily climbing in Temecula and SW Riverside County.
Here is part 2 of the smart home buying plan. The Average buyer vs a buyer with a Smart home buying plan. This is what sets us apart from the average...
Did you know that 68% of buyers are not satisfied with their real estate agents’ home buying process? We have identified over 80 different variables...
If you are looking to buy a home you need a proven and successful plan.